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Professional Renaissance

HMRC staff leave TEN MILLION phone calls unanswered a year

Ten million calls to the taxman are going unanswered a year – as it is revealed that 80 per cent of all HM Revenue & Customs staff now work from home.

The MoS has uncovered the office attendance records for all 67,000 HMRC staff – the first time the data has been disclosed.

Just one in five were in the office at any one time in July.

The taxman was unapologetic, saying the current policy is to allow staff to WFH 'at least two days a week'.

This comes as the number of customer service calls going unanswered has more than doubled in five years.

Over the past year, there were 38 million calls to the tax helpline, and ten million of these went unanswered, new figures show.

Source: Daily Mail


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